
Showing posts from November, 2022

30 November 2022 - 11 years since separation

This is not a happy post darling.  BUT, it is one of hope! We are closer to the time when things will potentially change. A lot has been lost.  But much remains to be gained. I focus on what is to be gained. I hope that you teach yourself to do so too. Not all moments in life are happy darling. However, all moments in life can be instructive, and helpful, when looking forward. Exactly 11 years ago today, it was the 30th of November 2011. On the morning of that day, your sister was taken from home. She was told by her Mum that "from now on we will be living with your grandmother". It was a horrific scene. She did not want to leave. She grabbed onto me. She was in tears. The taking of your sister from her, and our, home was a nightmare.  Humans adapt sweetheart.  Unfortunately, when adults do not behave properly, children, mal-adapt. I will tell you in person later the details of what happened on that day; and subsequently. Suffice to say for now, jealousy is something...

29 November 2022 - Sleeping Beauty

There is a fairy tale (& film) with the title Sleeping Beauty. This note, is not about that. This note, is about a Beauty who was 'captured on film' whilst Sleeping today. Yes, sweetheart, you! It is a delight to see you rejuvenate; and to know that you are growing healthily. Wishing both you and your sister ongoing healthy growth. Wishing you both the ability to focus on what you choose is important. Wishing you both the discipline and fortitude needed to skill stack; and that the skills you stack are indeed those needed for self-realization and for your chosen contribution. I believe in you!

28 November 2022 - Dining with Doctors

We had guests for a light dinner and dessert tonight. A fun eve was had; in your presence. Sasha and Ulyana are both future doctors. Bright young sparks. Sasha's parents are both practicing doctors. Dad's a brain surgeon. Mum's a neurologist. Being a doctor means that one spends their life helping others. Being a doctor doesn't, however, mean that you lose your status as a human being. Every human being themselves is vulnerable, and at times  needs help. Parents want the best for their kids. Kids want the best for their parents. Let's hope that both get what they wish for.

27 November 2022 - Sunday. Family Day. Virtual, & in-person.

Family is a source of strength. It is a base. It delights me to see you being the recipient of family love; from both far and near. [Side note sweetheart: We must never take family love for granted. Your elder sister can attest to that, with the experience of having such love forcibly taken from her. I will explain more in later years. Suffice to say, go forward with gratitude.] Morning time, it was family love from Australia checking in.  Whilst usually the calls with your Uncle Walid are only audio, today you got to catch him briefly by way of video too. He'd just returned from another heavy day (& week in fact) of on-call doctor duties. The neurology cases that he deals with are tough. On every level. I always wish him the capacity to retain peace of mind; especially given he is such has such empathy for his patients. It is remarkable how he does it. Late afternoon, and early evening, family love in-person in Belarus carried the day. Preparing for lift off! Capturing a momen...

26 November 2022 - heads up

I am thankful for reminders re birthdays. I got one regarding a former university lecturer this morning: Valentina Fyorderovna.  I was delighted to send my regards. She was thrilled to receive them.  She is a special individual, who has shown steadfast integrity since the time we met more than 12 years ago. Time flies. Moments can be made important, or left to wither. Part of your evolution of late is holding your head up whilst laying on your stomach. Your Mum must be thanked for actively creating the space to practice. I was an assistant to you :) On a call to Oz this morning, the fruits of her toil were enjoyed by a couple of your Aunts, an Uncle, and two cousins. Later, you got to relax. You enjoyed being sung to.. Keep glowing. Both of you. Love you.

25 November 2022 - Thanksgiving : Give & Take

Over the last 24 hours, I have received lots of emails and messages. They have come from friends in the USA. The reason is: a celebration known as Thanksgiving. As you know by now, we have a family practice of expressing thanks (& manifesting through actions) on a regular basis; actually, daily. The celebration of Thanksgiving (which in the USA takes place annually on the fourth Thursday of November) serves a reminder. A reminder to be thankful for all that we have. I am very thankful for the family that Mum and I have established. I am incredibly thankful that Mum is aware that family is a team effort, that family is founded upon open lines of communication, and that family requires setting boundaries on outside negative influences. I am thankful that Mum loves to sing too :) Moments of shared joy! I am very thankful, for you and for your sister. I am thankful for the wider family, for the health that we enjoy, and for the fact that life has been very generous to me (& to us)....

24 November 2022 - The party continued

I grew up beside a lake, and a few hundred metres from the beach. Sunshine, sand and ocean blue were run of the mill. A white party, where everything is coated with a layer of snow was certainly not. How different things are where you are waking up! Nature's even sending you messages to take flight with your potential! Given the base necessity of good health, you went in for your 3 month check up today. You weighed in at 6kg; and stretched out to 60cm. Evening time today, we had guests come to the dacha. Two brothers. They were from a country bearing one of my favourite names ever for a nation state:  Djibouti! (..pronounced: juh-boo-tee). They both operate in the "help sector". Hamza is a doctor. Mubarak is a social worker (assisting those afflicted with mental health issues). Both operate to make the world a better place. Bravo! Whilst we ate, you were just chilling. Just as in the morning, the white party surrounded us on the brief walk home post dinner too. There was ...

23 November 2022 - nature's own "white party"

I woke up to snow today. We woke up to snow. I note the 'we', because usually I am up well before you and mum. Today however, I got to have you sitting there beside me on your bouncer, whilst I was on the computer. In order that you got to feel engagement, I decided to read out loud. Yes, usually I read silently whilst you are not too far away sleeping. I am eternally grateful for yours and your sisters births. Your smiles are a source of radiance.  This look keeps me in check. This view from the window, makes me feel like I am in a storybook. Inspiration! Later in the day, mum rugged you up thoroughly.  And you slept at the dacha. Outdoors initially. Snow fell whilst you slept. Lunch was also enjoyed whilst you lay down rejuvenating :) Post lunch, I was off again. I returned later in the evening and we all left together. There is an expression in English that goes like this: "One man's trash, is another man's treasure". I see an analogy thanks to today: ...