30 November 2022 - 11 years since separation

This is not a happy post darling. BUT, it is one of hope! We are closer to the time when things will potentially change. A lot has been lost. But much remains to be gained. I focus on what is to be gained. I hope that you teach yourself to do so too. Not all moments in life are happy darling. However, all moments in life can be instructive, and helpful, when looking forward. Exactly 11 years ago today, it was the 30th of November 2011. On the morning of that day, your sister was taken from home. She was told by her Mum that "from now on we will be living with your grandmother". It was a horrific scene. She did not want to leave. She grabbed onto me. She was in tears. The taking of your sister from her, and our, home was a nightmare. Humans adapt sweetheart. Unfortunately, when adults do not behave properly, children, mal-adapt. I will tell you in person later the details of what happened on that day; and subsequently. Suffice to say for now, jealousy is something...